Our solution enhances any medical facility’s operations, with an option at ZERO cost to the facility and ZERO cost to the patients. How does that work? We can convert your medical practice from a 250-hour a month practice to a full 720-hour per month practice, 24/7. We are your virtual urgent care, keeping your patients 100% satisfied and increasing revenue to your practice. Partner with MedCallPro today to add greater benefit to your patients and greater value to your practice. For more information, please fill out the form below.

Monthly Membership Includes:
- 24/7/365 Coverage liability containment for workers comp – per events
- 24/7/365 Coverage liability containment for visitors who experience a slip, trip or fall – per event
- Unlimted Calls
- Call from any location, at any time
- If you or your employees have a phone, they have a doctor
How it works
Employee members will receive:
- One toll-free number for all medical events
- Healthcare
- Workers Comp
- Slip, Trip, and Fall
- Immediate triage for their medical event
- Connection to our doctors via phone or video
- A doctors referral to a physical facility as needed
- An appointment with a radiology group as needed
- A prescription as needed

Coordinated Campaigns
Coordinated campaigns for all outbound communications to patients
- Appointment Confirmations – calls, emails and/or texts
- Medication Adherence – Meds Reminders – Medication Reconciliation
- Coordination with Patient Monitoring devices
- Coordination for patient compliance with targeted health and wellness activities designed for specific chronic illness management
- Regular communications by voice, email, texts, with targeted wellness recommendations for specific diseases which are related to the client practice model and mission
- Practice notifications, practice branding, and patient and family caregiver loyalty building communications
- Care coordination with other health care team providers
All communications reviewed for Quality Assurance, with full reporting

A Turnkey Solution
Turnkey Chronic Care Management (CCM) – CPT Code 99490 using Telehealth
- Support for identifying and enrolling of eligible senior Practice Patients
- 24 hour Clinician Access and Medication Management as required for CCM compliance
- Month by Month disease specific care planning with full clinician documentation
- Completely System Agnostic – contracted clinicians will manage the care planning with documentation into the Client’s current Practice Management System
- All interactions with Client Practice Patients are white labeled to the Client Practice
- Care Coordination with the Patient’s medical providers – monthly updates
- Full Billing and reporting service available